Exploring the artist within

retire your way doris mosler
  • Name(s): Doris Mosler
  • Age(s): 56
  • Now lives in: Seattle

Doris Mosler didn't intend to retire early. But when she lost her full-time job teaching advertising at a community college in 2011, she had a tough time finding regular work.

The good thing was that she had saved up for years and no longer needed the full-time pay. Throughout her working years, she had saved money. She rarely ate out or bought new clothes. She drove used cars. And she always contributed to her 401(k), when she had one.

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After her divorce, she got housemates to keep costs down. She owns her home in Seattle, and the mortgage is nearly paid off. Sometimes she even rents out the home and spends a few months in Northern California.

These days, Mosler works freelance, putting up art installations in homes, restaurants, hotels and spas. And she teaches workshops on creating monotype prints, where images painted on a plate are transferred to paper.

"I have minimal stress and a good life," she said.

First published March 23, 2015: 10:35 AM ET

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